it should be painfully clear by now that i spend my free hours moonlighting as a sentinel of world culture. admittedly, my presence is oft uninvited, but i have taken upon myself to make the biggest of sacrifices to provide you with only the most biased and caustic commentary imaginable (wait,

incidentally, a lot of talented bands elect to keep it real and go with ordinary and non-threatening logos. they shouldn't be confused with the aforementioned 'boring and shitty' category. no; they're simply too cool for school. it's kinda like brad pitt thinking, 'i know i'm rich, good looking with hair more tussle-able than yours, can get any creature this side of the equatorial guinea to fuck me, but i'm going to let my overly unselfish and subdued, nay, non-pretentious behavior speak on my behalf.' (here's where tyler durden pauses to think about his fifteen extra guestrooms filled with sacks of yen.) 'oh dearest womb raider, don't make me choose. can't we just adopt them all?'
back on the ranch and keeping with how the craftsmanship of logos can somehow resemble the hallmarks of the bands they represent, there are the logos that are half-assed rip offs of the other, much better ones.
anyways, in the pantheon of band logos, only a scant few have withstood the rigors of time. which ultimately brings me to my point; my calling. yes, i've decided to turn over a new leaf and give up being a satirical pain in the ass to focus on being the gandhi-esque philanthropist i truly am.
so, odin's court - question for you. as a band that's ever so eager to please, not nearly cool enough to have a plain logo, and yet overly devoid of any real talent, how can you avoid contracting the dreadfully shameful kelly bundy syndrome and steer clear of being hammered in ass by father time? ladies, your answer - start a black metal band. (to be continued...)
[...if you care, right at this instant i hear the jackie brown soundtrack ..]

Blashphemy, and u didn't mention this, this or the lovely helvetica simplicity of this one? I rest my case.
2:11 PM
Blashphemy, and u didn't mention this, this or the lovely helvetica simplicity of this one? I rest my case.
2:11 PM
Blashphemy, and u didn't mention this, this or the lovely helvetica simplicity of this one? I rest my case.
2:12 PM
you're absolutely right. a new category called 'fans of lame things' will be created and your comments will mark the inauguration of said category.
10:17 PM
Oh really? Í can´t wait. Do you like how i accented the ì ?
7:11 AM
it's me...Mr. Odin Court
i taught Muse everything they know...and even some things that they don't! It's obvious my musical genius is too much for your feeble brain to handle. You'd never cut in the cut-throat music industry described so eloquently in "Purple-Rain".
8:51 AM
Dude, your choppery is impressive! Excellent work. I had a hearty laugh over that.
Oh, and, mind you, no rat race for me today. I'm off.
11:57 AM
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